I don't know about you, but there really is no medicine like the Lake District; it's practically a cleansing tonic for the mind! I mean, picture this - you hop on into your luxurious float, with such grace and elegance, then blissfully drift away (big thanks to the gentle current) to a serene and uninhabited island. Better still, you're surrounded by a picturesque canvas of rolling fells that follow you in every direction.
Paradise, right?

Well, almost.
If you allow some time for the classic back to reality sound effect to fill your ears and make a little (a lot) of space for the double-action hand pump, you'll be well on your way to achieving the above. I'm no expert, in fact, I'm rather a novice and when I have two trusty individuals to lead the way, I'd be a tad of a lemon to get involved. As far as my role is concerned, it's to lay on the inflatable and well and truly signify the end of an adventure. Or to attach some sort of significance to it - a little express deflating parcel. That's me!

Move over. Bold statement incoming.
There is no adventure quite like a kayak adventure. It's addictive. It's calm (when a certain B isn't swaying the kayak into next week for comedy value). It's a complete refresh. But, I promised to include all the dodgy pips and the dodgy pips are what I'm dishing up because no one likes a false representation. Keeping it real and all that.
The Dodgy Pips and Tips of Kayaking
There is absolutely no way to hop on in to an inflatable kayak gracefully - I don't care what you say. It's more throw yourself in and hope for the best. And by best, I mean capsizing is off the cards whether your legs are behind your head or you've fallen into the thing head first. Clumsy and reckless are the height of fashion darling!
Unless you're on a flex, you're going to need some sort of relentless energy to keep those oars paddling. It's ruthless.
NEVER forget the loo roll. You don't know when nature may call upon a swan inhabited island for a pit stop.
If you're the next best thing to Casper the Ghost (my hand is proudly held high), suncream is an essential. It can go from Casper to tomato real quick, especially in the neck region. In all seriousness, I'm a factor 50 in shade kinda gal.
The double-action hand pump must gain it's name from setting the calves and lower back on fire simultaneously.
If you like your fruit, the bright yellow kayak is the one. Bananas are so on trend!
I wouldn't change a single pip - we're so incredibly lucky to have this astonishing national park on our doorstep. Discovering the amazingly vast and tranquil lakes by kayak is an adventure of a lifetime. The abundance of wildlife, the rippling waters and the striking wall created by the stretching fells is like a safe haven. It's simply impossible to not leave the world outside behind! I'd be lying if I said this place doesn't become completely and utterly moreish. No matter how many times I return, every adventure is perfectly unique and impressively refreshing. True story - I come home a new woman who seems to find a pot of patience and resilience to tackle whatever gets thrown her way (believe you me, you'd be surprised). The Lake District will never grow old.

I might not be a kayaking expert, but I'm pretty confident I can plan and deliver a top notch adventure when ones needed. Not to blow my own trumpet or anything like that! For me, adventure is about simplicity and very much being in the moment - something I am absolutely shocking at during the week. Being a foodie, no adventure is complete with a serving of something good for the buds. Imagine this - you're on a lakeside beach, the sun is slowly drooping down and as it does, it casts a warm orange glow on the day. I know you can smell it too - BBQ!
The recipe for a golden evening - seeded bun, burger, countless gherkins, slice of cheese (has to be the plastic kind to hit the spot, you know the one), a bit too much ketchup and a good squeeze of mustard. Spot on.
An ice-cold bottle of something good.
Turn in on the side of a starry beach all thanks to the B's van - our home on wheels.
Goodnight from me, my fairy lights and Aldi's finest potted basil.
Looks like an amazing trip. Very sweet